Thursday, September 9, 2010

Chocolade kruidnoten (Holland prepares for Santa. In September)

I can't believe the shelves are already filled with Santa* treats. Seriously. It's the beginning of September and the grocery store already has chocolate letters, kruidnoten, taai taai (really gross, tough cookies) and, caviar of pre-Christmas treats, chocolade kruidnoten. This is like selling candy canes and chocolate decorations already. Before Halloween. Before Thanksgiving. Before the autumn equinox for cryin' out loud. I'm shocked. It's just... wrong. Outrageous, even.

Not so outrageous that I refused to immediately grab a few bags of chocolate kruidnoten, though. I mean, principles are one thing, but seriously people - chocolate kruidnoten? If I don't get them now, they'll be gone and I won't get any. And then I'd probably cry. Call it hormones. Actually, I came close to crying last year when they ran out and I wasn't even pregnant then. Maybe it's just me.

So I grabbed three 750g bags and threw them in our shopping cart. My husband comments: "Oh, of course; you want to bring some to Canada at Christmas." Well schmidt. I hadn't even thought of that. My thoughts were more along the lines of: OMG Kruidnoten! Quick! Get 'em quick! Hoard! Hoard! I really had no thought for my dear family in Canada. I guiltily turned back and went and got two more bags. For Canada.

Whether they last that long is a whole other issue. Especially since I'm already more than halfway through the first bag. What? You ask; not saving them for Sinterklaas and Christmas in Canada? Well, Internet, no. I considered saving them but then my dear friends on Facebook helped me rationalize it convince me - I am PREGNANT, after all. I need to feed the baby.

So now I'm inhaling my chocolate kruidnoten with such speed that I might even run out of them myself before the autumn equinox. But that's okay. It's for the baby.

*I live in Holland. And in Holland, Santa (Sinterklaas) comes on December 5th. All of these treats are associated with Santa, NOT with Christmas. After December 6th you'd be very hard pressed to find any of these treats. Unless you stock up. Like I do.


  1. Get some more for Canada!! We are kruidnoten-less here and intrigued!

  2. @ Krista: They're sold out already! Seriously! I'll have to keep checking back for when they get the next shipment in. Also because I might be out soon myself. You want a whole bag?
