Sunday, November 14, 2010

Packing on the pounds

Having reached the glorious third trimester, I decided to evaluate my weight gain over the past six months to see if it could shed any light on what I can expect over the coming three. Granted, weight gain is expected during pregnancy and even promoted. That said, I'm starting to wonder if I'm not overdoing it. According to the day-by-day pregnancy book that I read religiously and the myriad e-mails I get relating to pregnancy, the baby itself still weighs less than a kilogram at this point. And while I'm glad that Valentine doesn't account for all 12 of the kilograms I've put on so far, because I hate to think how they would ever get THAT monster out of me, especially if it's expected to roughly triple its weight before being born, I am somewhat concerned that my weight gain has become excessive.

Looking at this mathematically, so far, for every 1 kilo that went to the baby, 11 kilos went to me. Let's round that down to 10, just to make the math easier. Taking into account that the baby will likely be around 3.5 kg at birth (assuming an average, full-term baby), that's another 2.5 kg for the baby. At the current rate of increase, that means another 25!!! kg for me! And since I still get to carry the baby until its birthday, we can add on the baby's 3.5 kg on top of that! And factoring back in the kilogram I so cleverly rounded out of the equation, OMG. I don't think we need to take this all the way to the conclusion. You can see where it's headed: off the frigging scale.

Is this ratio realistic? Possibly not. However, I AM addicted to chocolate-covered kruidnoten, as stated before. Also, I have three weeks of gluttonous holiday even before my maternity leave starts in January. One week to be spent writing (fueled by kruidnoten, of course) and two weeks, yes, you guessed it, gorging myself at Christmas. I did mention earlier all the great stuff I was going to eat in Canada, right? Exactly. I think my weight forecast is probably right on the mark: extreme, with a chance of a monster baby.

1 comment:

  1. lmao..didnt all these wonderful books tell you that the weight gain is partially due to the sheer blood volume in your body to support this little being. Not only that but your placenta, the size and weight of your growing uterus, and well...a-hem..your breasts? Not just baby. I guarantee you that it will come off again, if you want it to. :)

    oh p.s we cant forget about the water retention. sigh.
